The type of transaction you are
requesting, with these enumerated values allowed:
AUTHORIZATION: authorizes (holds) the funds on the card but does not transfer them. Most banks support a $0.00 authorization in order to validate the card number, expiration date, and account status. This does, however, incur an authorization charge on the merchant account and a transaction charge in Payconex.
SALE: authorizes the funds on the card and flags the transaction to be captured for settlement at the next settlement time.
REFUND: refunds a previous sale. If the transaction has not yet been settled, then this results in a void.Otherwise, for Cards only, It results in a credit back on the card. ACH transactions can't be refunded once they are submitted for settlement (NOTE: For actual transaction settlement times, contact Bluefin support). You can specify an amount less than the original sale amount. Requires token_id.
CREDIT: puts money onto a card or into a bank with no offsetting sale.
Most operations can be managed via REFUND. Only allowed if account is configured to allow Credits.
CAPTURE: flags a previous
authorization to be captured for settlement at the next settlement time. Requires token_id.
SETTLEBATCH: settles all un-settled sales, refunds, credits, or authorizations that have been captured.
STORE: stores credit card/ach account info for later use.
FORCE: forces through a transaction. A 6 digit authorization_code must also be provided.
REVERSAL: removes an authorization request on a credit card or debit/ebt.
Requires token_id (Elavon,
Paymentech, RapidConnect only)
BALANCE: request account balance on an EBT/Debit card (Elavon only).
CANCEL: removes a refund request on a credit card or debit/ebt. Requires the
refund token_id (RapidConnect only)