(c) PCI Pal 2020. The content on this page is subject to the Disclaimer Section (found on the Introduction page)
This page details the main Paymetric XI Pay Logic Item and how to complete each field.
PCI Pal must check any payment gateway integrations prior to going live. The documentation disclaimer (which applies throughout this guide) should be read before commencing any configuration of payment gateways.
Unlike other Gateways, Paymetric is an aggregateway and consists of multiple gateway processing abilities. Because of this, each of the specific gateway will be broken down in its own specific sub page. The logic item will however be explained in this section as it is the same for all.
Paymetric XI Pay Logic Item
The Paymetric XI Pay Logic Item contains the following properties:
Client specific value which is given to them by Paymetric which links to their account. May also be called the Merchant name.