  • Introduction


Welcome to the PCI Pal Payment Service Provider guide.
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Descriptions of functions, applications and other related information in this document are provided to help users understand how to configure the payment service provider gateways within the PCI Pal software.  Whilst PCI Pal makes every attempt to ensure the content is accurate, it should be used as guidance only.   We recommend any new Flows, payment gateway integrations or other functionality is checked by the PCI Pal Support Team (support@pcipal.com) prior to testing or go live.  In no event shall PCI Pal be liable for any losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of this information.  This guide is subject to change without notice.
The information contained in this guide (regardless of whether online or printed) is confidential, and may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent of PCI Pal.
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